WR Community Energy Presents to All Councils Meeting

Rene Gatien, President and CEO of Waterloo North Hydro and member of WR Community Energy’s Governance Committee and Matthew Day, Community Energy Program Manager of WR Community Energy presented to the Region of Waterloo’s All Council Meeting on what it will take to deliver energy transition in Waterloo Region.  
The presentation covers the structure and goals of WR Community Energy, highlights our focus areas and accomplishments to date. Following the presentation, Rene and Matthew respond to questions from Council Members on topics including actions for the residential sector, equity and energy poverty, and local green building standards. 

WR Community Energy’s presentation begins at 1:07:22 and ends at 1:54:14. View the presentation on YouTube.  
Minutes from the meeting can be found here (description of presentation on page 2, slides begin on page 32).